
Historical Reenactment Group

We specialise in the high Medieval period. Founded in 2005 in and around Manchester, we now have members from all over the UK






Kingdom Event Calendars

Torneo degli Sbandieratori

Alle ore 20:00, come da tradizione trentennale, si svolgerà la “Giornata della Bandiera”. I quattro gruppi di Sbandieratori e Musici locali, con le proprie formazioni giovanili, si esibiranno in spettacoli acrobatici e suggestive coreografie. Alle…

Take part

Cena Medievale – Tempus est Jocundum

Dalle ore 20:30 prenderà il via “Tempus Fugit”. Il Rione Giudea invita tutti a passeggiare nel proprio quartiere ebraico medievale, dove saranno allestiti stand di piatti tipici della tradizione culinaria ed esposte opere e creazioni…

Take part

The Kings And Queens group has several types of events. All of which are listed on the Calendar.


Full contact combat displays, archery demonstrations, dance displays and our medieval encampment


During the winter months we train on a regular basis to keep skills fresh

Social events

Give us the chance to let our hair down and relax a little. Anything from a banquet to a planned trip to the pub.

Special Events

Special events can be anything, a lecture, film work, even a parade!


The opportunities throughout the year for re-enactors to get together and purchase the equipment

Heraldry and Motto

“Thus passes away the glory of the world”

The Latin Motto of the Kings And Queens displayed on its heraldic coat of arms is “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi”

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Pictures From Shows and Events

Kings and Queens recreate chivalric foot tournaments of the Nobility and Knights in all their splendor and glory. Leap into the fray or simply enjoy the spectacle!